ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 284 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
Breaking pow optim ized across the entire current range As result sym etric design, the connections are independent polarity.. Safe and reliable operation 6 Features Switches for applications .. Sim ple and fast installation O 16. Sim plicity installation OTDC the only itch the arket that has visible contacts....250 Amperes OTDC itches from peres are the only 2-pole solution the arket ith operational voltage 000 VDC. itch-disconnectors are typically used isolate individual strings arrays solar panels and battery banks. O ..32 also available plastic enclosure, suitable for outdoor use. The pow losses are very low, inim izing the aste energy. Cover interlock and padlockable handle ensure safe usage.Switches for photovoltaic applications Up 1000 VDC ABB’s switch offering for applications The itch offering includes itch-disco ectors designed for photovoltaic applications. The range goes from to 630 peres. Suitable for warm locations Maxim energy efficiency system s 0TD 100. The enclosure has high degree protection, IP65. OTDC16..32 peres have various voltage ratings w ithin the sam foo tprint area. Enclosed OTDCP ade material resistant light and ater exposure. Tunnel term inals capture fine stranded wires and they are ide enough allow wires Short- circuit bars are pre-installed standard. A itches are com pact size, have high voltage ratings and unique safety features.. Reliable system ide voltage range OTDC itch -disconnectors can DIN rail screw m ounted. Thanks its odular design the rated operational voltage can scaled according your needs, 1000 V.32 Amperes OTDC from . This possible thanks carefully optim ized arc plates and dual agnetic breaking. The itch orks both ways.32 itches, ith ithout enclosure, meet the sta ard therm requirem ents, even exceptionally high operating bient tem peratures. The operation the itch not vulnerable to voltage peaks and independent the user (quick ake­ quick brake).. They can also used the main sw itch for the hole photovoltaic system.