ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 243 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
3 Panel fasteners O ZB18.1... Suitable Faston terminal Units/ eight/ for cable cross section type unit switches [mm2] Type Order number [pcs] [kg] 0T_160...2500_C otorized change-over sw itches order assem ble autom atic transfer itch. Terminal clamp OZXT6 includes 0.75.125_CMA_: 1 40.2.2500_CM D300E480C-A1 1SCA123790R1001 1. 0M ZB38 1SCA120155R1001 0... One package includes 8 connectors and faston term inals....Ordering information Accessories OM D200 S07183 OM D300 S07184 OM D800 S07185 Automatic control units OMD autom atic control units can used ith 40. The type and ordering code for 1 piece, units ust ordered for ounting the control the door. ires are not included.2500_CM D200E480C-A1 1SCA123789R1001 0..28 S07179 nr O ZB38 S07180 For ounting the OMD autom atic control unit the door.. ..5.. OMZD1 S07187 Suitable for switches Type Order number Units/ eight/ type unit [pcs] [kg] O 40.2 * Terminal clamp OZXT6 recommended use with OTM40.2 0T_630. The connector package includes also the faston term inals (see the picture)..2500_CM D800E480C-A1 1SCA123791R1001 1....2500_C otorized change-over itch, ZB_ voltage sensing connectors and A1G auxiliary con tacts ust ordered separately able to assem ble autom atic transfer itch.... Dimension drawings page 79. If used with OTM160..1 voltage sensing connection the top bottom pow poles.. 0M ZB28 1SCA120154R1001 0.400_C LO m0..2500E_C 0... Information about the control features page 31-32.0 O 40.8 O 40.... See ordering information page 51.5 ZB48 1SCA120156R1001 0.. If used with OTM40.800E_C LO m0...2 0T800U, 0T_1000..125_C for voltage sensing connection. 0M ZB18 1SCA120153R1001 0.28 mounted S07181 For ..2 0T_315..125_C otorized change-over itch and 6/8 OZXT6 term inal clam ps (including voltage sensing connection) ust ordered separately able assem ble an autom atic transfer itch. The type and ordering codes include the OMD control unit, PCB connectors and fasteners for door ounting.5 mm2voltage sensing connection.2500_CM_: 1 160.250_C LO m0. Suitable Units/ eight/ for type unit OMD control unit Type Order number [pcs] [kg] OMD200_, OMD300_, OMD800_ 0MZD1 1SCA022787R5190 1 Voltage sensing connectors* O 18. The control unit can ounted door DIN rail. Change-over and transfer switches Ordering information 57