ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
..08 OT_315..Ordering information Accessories OTS S00265A OTS S00462A OTS S01638A OTS S01637A T3 T1 I t » Terminal shrouds Terminal shrouds, transparent plastic Snap-on ounting the itches, IP20.01 0TPS40FPN2 0TS40T1 1SCA105314R1001 0..1600_C Long type 0TS1600G 1L/3 1SCA022871R9510 0.77 OT_2000...01 0T63. Suitable Delivery eight/ for batch unit switches Type Order number [pcs] [kg] For three pole switches 0T16...2500_C Long type 0TS2500G 1L/3 1SCA107261R1001 0.. Suitable No..800_C Long type 0TS800G 1L/3 1SCA022776R7890 0.20 OT_315.26 OT_1000.42 OT_600.2500 available request, please replace the letter ith ...47 OT_2000.400_C Long type 0TS400G 1L/3 1SCA022736R8840 0..400_C Short type 0TS400G 1S/3 1SCA022736R9060 0.400_C Long type 0TS400G 1L/4 1SCA022736R9490 0.. Units/ eight/ for type unit switches poles Description Type Order number [pcs] [kg] OT_160.250_C Short type 0TS250G 1S/3 1SCA022731R8310 0.85 OT_1000..250_C Short type 0TS250G 1S/4 1SCA022731R8400 0.37 OT_1000.09 OT_315.80F_C 0TS63T3 1SCA022353R6750 0..800_C Long type 0TS800G 1L/4 1SCA022776R7970 0.01 0TPS60FP, 0TPS125FP 0TS125T1 1SCA022379R9760 0..2500_C Long type 0TS2500G 1L/4 1SCA107262R1001 1..1600_C Short type 0TS1600G 1S/4 1SCA022871R9860 0.61 Change-over and transfer switches Ordering information 49 ..250_C Long type 0TS250G 1L/4 1SCA022731R8230 0.2500_C Short type 0TS2500G 1S/3 1SCA107260R1001 0.17 OT_600..01 For fourth pole 0TPS40FPN1 0TS40T1 1SCA105314R1001 0...01 0T100...800_C Short type 0TS800G 1S/4 1SCA022776R8270 0.64 OT_1000. Transparent shrouds for O T_160.. The type and ordering num bers are for one piece..09 OT_160..06 OT_160...40F_C 0TS40T3 1SCA105317R1001 0.00 OT_2000.250_C Long type 0TS250G 1L/3 1SCA022731R8150 0.1600_C Short type 0TS1600G 1S/3 1SCA022871R9600 0..32 OT_600..400_C Short type 0TS400G 1S/4 1SCA022736R9650 0.125F_C, 0TM 40.. The full shrouding 3-pole change-over itch is achieved ith four 3-pole shrouds.01 0TPS80FP 0TS63T1 1SCA022353R6910 0...15 OT_315.125F_ 0TS125T3 1SCA022379R9680 0...12 OT_600......800_C Short type 0TS800G 1S/3 1SCA022776R8190 0.49 OT_2000.2500_C Short type 0TS2500G 1S/4 1SCA107271R1001 0..1600_C Long type 0TS1600G 1L/4 1SCA022871R9780 0......01 Terminal shrouds, grey plastic Snap-on ounting the itches, kit includes three four shrouds hich can be used either side the itch Suitable for the uppersw itch.12 OT_160...