ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
800_C Black OTV800ECK 1SCA022797R2470 0.75 Includes shaft (no mechanism cover) OTM40...02 OTM 315.....250E_ OTVS1 1SCA111413R1001 0.250_C Black OTV250ECK 1SCA022783R0090 0.30 O T1000.. The type and ordering num bers are for one piece.. OTVS1 and OTVS2 can installed onto the left side the itch...2500_C Black OTV1000ECK 1SCA107481R1001 0. O 160. Types -ECM include also microswitches.800_C Black OTV800ECMK 1SCA022804R3410 0..400_C Black OTV400ECMK 1SCA022843R2900 0..08 O T315.....10 O 315... OT160. The clip can be fixed panel fram using the included adhesive tape..04 44 Ordering information Change-over and transfer switches ..77 Handle not padlockable, operating angle 90° OT160..2500E_ OTVS2 1SCA111414R1001 0...125F_C Black OHB65D6CM 1SCA022807R9430 0..125F_, the handle can stored the handle storage clip OTVSÜ.. Suitable for switches Type Order number Units/ eight/ type unit [pcs] [kg] OTM40.2500_C Black OTV1000ECMK 1SCA111301R1001 0..02 OTM 160.12 Padlockable with three padlocks 0-position..... O 160.800_CF Black OTV800ECFK 1SCA113151R1001 0. O T160.28 O 630...26 OT630...26 O T630...Ordering information Accessories OTV_ OTVS1 Handles, direct mounting Includes shaft and echanism cover...800_CL Black OTV800ECLK 1SCA113148R1001 0.400_C Black OTV400ECK 1SCA022783R0170 0. 1000.08 OT315.2500E the handle and spare fuses can stored the OTVS1 and OTVS2..2500_CL Black OTV1000ECLK 1SCA113152R1001 0.75 Handle and spare fuse storage clip O 40.125F OTVSO 1SCA117524R1001 0.250_C Black OTV250ECMK 1SCA022804R0570 0.400_CL Black OTV400ECLK 1SCA113143R1001 0.250_CL Black OTV250ECLK 1SCA113137R1001 0.08 OT315.30 Plastic handle, indication I+II II Suitable for switches Colour Type Order number Delivery batch [pcs] W eight/ unit [kg] Handle not padlockable, operating angle 90°..250_CF Black OTV250ECFK 1SCA113141R1001 0.32 OTM 1000.400_CF Black OTV400ECFK 1SCA113147R1001 0.26 OT630... Plastic handle, indication I-O-II Suitable Delivery eight/ for batch unit switches Colour Type Order number [pcs] [kg] Padlockable with three padlocks 0-position.30 OT1000. Snap-on ounting, no tools required..2500E_, the size the handle prevents the installation onto the sw itch fram How ever, the handle clip can installed separately onto the panel fram and the fuse holder clip onto the itch fram e.