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Poznámky redaktora
..Change-over and transfer switches
16.2500 A
4 Product overview, features
8 Technical data
8 Manual, otorized and automatic transfer switches
14 otor operators
16 Autom atic transfer switches
19 UL/CSA manual change-over switches
20 Ordering information, IEC-types, open transition
20 Manual change-over switches
24 Manual change-over switches, fast transition
25 Motorized change-over switches
31 Autom atic transfer switches
35 Ordering information, IEC-types, closed transition
35 Manual change-over switches
37 Ordering information, UL/CSA-types, open transition
37 UL/CSA manual change-over switches
38 Accessories overview
41 Ordering information, accessories
41 Handles
45 Extended shafts
47 Auxiliary contacts
48 Fourth poles
49 Terminal shrouds and phase separators
51 Connecting accessories
53 Conversion kits
55 Parallel connection kits and bridging bars
57 Autom atic control units and dual power source
59 Dimension drawings
84 Contact functions
86 Index
Change-over and transfer switches Contents