ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 177 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
OFF O ON = Contacts closed position I = Contacts closed position I O FF Closing: Main contacts close auxiliary contacts close auxiliary contacts open Opening: Main contacts open auxiliary contacts open auxiliary contacts close ON and OFF-functions main and auxiliary contacts OT16....125 OFF O 90 a OA1G10, OA1G01 ON A xiliary tact configuration O AIG 1NO OAIGOI 1NC Main contacts NO auxiliary contact NC auxiliary contact OFF O 90 a ON OA1G10, OA1G01 106 ontact functions itch isco cto rs . The main contacts remain open.^ H 5..125 OT16. OFF ON and OFF-functions main and auxiliary contacts 0° 30° 60° 90° a Main contacts NO auxiliary contact NC auxiliary contact 1.Contact functions Handle indications Handle indications and functions - The handle indicates the position the contacts with com plete reliability all situations. the con tacts are welded together, the handle does not reach the OFF­ position but rem ains between and OFF, aintaining the door interlock and preventing padlocking. - hen operating the itch fuse the Test-position ith a test handle the test auxiliary contacts change position..40 Main contacts NO auxiliary contact NC auxiliary contact OT63.