ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...

Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 141 z 526

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Poznámky redaktora
250 OTZT1A 1SCA106522R1001 0...85 70 Ordering information itch isco cto rs ...57 OT600U, OT630....800E OTZT3L 1SCA106530R1001 0..2 Electrical interlock kit Suitable for switches Description Type Order number U nits/ eight/ type unit [pcs] [kg] OT1000.21 OT315.25Ü itc can rlo cke sitio sing cks o ech ica rlo kit ism bail be m ... Suitable for switches Type Order number U nits/ eight/ type unit [pcs] [kg] Interlocking the OFF-position OT160EV..2500 OTZT4A 1SCA106526R1001 1..57 OT600U, OT630..75 OT800U, OT1000.Ordering information Accessories OTZT1_ S04001 OTZT3_ S04003 OTZL4 S07057 1SDA062127R1 S07058 OT_EM_ + OTZL4 S07059 OT switch + OTZL4 or Emax, T7 Mechanical and electrical interlocks Mechanism interlock kits and electrical interlocks O T16Ü ..2500, Including pcs E-max/T7 1370 long cables - 1SDA062127R1 0..15 Interlocking the OFF- and ON-positions OT160EV.800E OTZT3A 1SCA106525R1001 0.21 OT315...85 OT1000.. length .2500E Locking OFF- and -4- -position OTZM4L 1SCA118511R1001 0.15 Mechanical interlock between earthing switch and OT1000....2500 OTZT4L 1SCA106531R1001 1...250 OTZT1L 1SCA106527R1001 0..400 OTZT2L 1SCA106529R1001 0.2500 switch-disconnector E-max breaker The tio rth itc and itc into - p sitio tim ica lly sing rth g s itc and ain itc breaker. Suitable for switches Description Type Order number U nits/ eight/ type unit [pcs] [kg] Mechanical interlock kit OT1000..5 Cable set OT1000.2500E Locking in OFF-position OTZM4A 1SCA118510R1001 0..75 OT800U, OT1000..2500 OTZL4 1SCA116554R1001 0..400 OTZT2A 1SCA106523R1001 0