ABB Odpínače 16-125A (160A) Přepínače 16-125A Inovovaná řada

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
12 0ETL3150 4N0+4NC 0ZXK331 1SCA022131R9070 0. The "test indication" contacts operate only when the handle turned TEST­ position. Type number: add suffix: /B, e. - The contact timing: see the charts page 106 S itc Ordering information 55 ../Test contacts N. Auxiliary contact blocks for OETL3150 Suitable Delivery eight/ for batch unit switches Function Type Order number [pcs] [kg] Mounting the mechanism cover Ith Cable cross section 0.. See the optional handles, from page 44.) OA3G01 (N.18 0ETL3150 2N0 0ZXK4 1SCA022131R9230 0. Test indication contact N.03 Mounting under the mechanism cover The "test" contacts operate ON- and OFF-positions well when the handle turned TEST-position = 45 degrees over the OFF-position.09 0ETL3150 4N0 0ZXK5 1SCA022131R9400 0. The desired functions are achieved when an auxiliary contact block installed specific place shown the mounting instruction.. See the function table below. The test contacts can used standard auxiliary contacts well.2 2.O.2500 1NC 0A3G01AU11 1SCA022819R5260 0.2500 INO 0A1G10 1SCA022353R4970 0...12 0ETL3150 8N0 0ZXK641 1SCA022131R9660 0. test contacts test contacts test indication contacts.C. The and and rin are for piece.) auxiliary contact blocks can be used standard auxiliary contacts, "test" "test indication" contacts.2500 INO 0A1G10AU11 1SCA022436R7910 0. Insulation voltage 690 Early break type..2500 1NC 0A3G01 1SCA022456R7410 0. OT160EV-250: Max.2500 1 no OZXK_ S01308A 1NO+1NC 13 21 f t14 22 2NO+2NC 13 41 { f14 42 4NO+4NC 13 81 f t14 82 2NO 13 23 f !14 24 13 43 14 44 8NO 13 83 f ! 14 84 4NO Suitable for switches Function Type Order number Delivery eight/ batch21 unit [pcs] [kg] 0T160EV. OT1000-2500: Max test indication contacts test contacts early operation test contacts.. Test open closed closed 0 open open open I closed closed open Mounting the left side the switch Max.contacts break before the main contacts open. Function table OT160EV.. - Performance data auxiliary contacts, see page 57.03 0T160EV.03 0T160EV. 0A1G01/B 3)8 auxiliary contacts OZXK 3 4) auxiliary contacts OZXK 6 - Early break type auxiliary contacts means that the switches, the aux.03 0T160EV. The OA1G10 (N. auxiliary contact blocks with the OEA28 module.2500 auxiliary contacts Handle position Main contacts Aux. 2)Auxiliary contacts OA1G_ are available larger packing well. 0ETL3150 1N0+1NC 0ZXK1 1SCA022131R8690 0.... bulk package includes switches.18 11Types _AU are gold plated for extremely difficult circumstances and low voltages.g.12 0ETL3150 2N0+2NC 0ZXK2 1SCA022131R8850 0.. order activate the "test" and "test indication" features handle with test function required.. OT315-800: Max.O..5 mm2.O. 1NC 1NO 21 Ï22 13 I 'I 14 Auxiliary contact blocks for OT160EV.5 mm2. test contacts test indication contacts.Ordering information Accessories OA1G_ OA3G01 S00261A Auxiliary contact blocks, IP20 C rin