Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...
Red-yellow OHY65J6E00S 1SCA022382R9930 0.
This can defeated IP65 types allow authorized personnel access for inspection. sitio ica tio are 90°.Ordering information
o _eoos Handles for side operated switch-disconnectors
For tin sid clo cka ith FF
p sitio rlo itio IP65.12
Grey OHG65J6TE00S 1SCA109014R1001 0.12
Plastic handles, black and red-yellow: Test/I-O/ON-OFF, grey: Test/I-O.
[mm] Type Order number
U nits/ eight/
type unit
[pcs] [kg]
For shaft diameter IP65, Nema type 3R, 12
Plastic handles, black and red-yellow: I-O/ON-OFF, grey: I-O.12
Red-yellow OHY65J6TE00S 1SCA022688R0140 0.
Black OHB65J6TE00S 1SCA109016R1001 0.17
- Door interlocking ON-position means that the door can not opened, when the handle ON-position.
Black OHB65J6E00S 1SCA022382R9850 0.12
Grey OHG65J6E00S 1SCA022383R4510 0.12
For shaft diameter mm, IP65, Nema type 3R, 12
Plastic handles, indication I-O/ON-OFF
Black 145 OHB145J12E00S 1SCA022679R9700 0.
S itc Ordering information 47