Odpínače 16...125A popis vlastností technické parametry | Odpínače OT 16...125F s montáží na základnu nebo DIN lištu | výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy | Odpínače OT s montáží do panelu výběrová tabulka objednací údaje rozměrové výkresy ...
1 s
0,25 s
[kA] Type Order number
U nit/ eight/
type unit
[pcs] [kg]
I kA, Icm= 110 (peak)
3 110 0T1250EM03W4P 1SCA115805R1001 20.5
4 0T1600EM04W4P 1SCA118942R1001 24.5
4 0T1250EM04W8P 1SCA118941R1001 26.5
4 0T1600EM04W8P 1SCA118944R1001 26.5
Earthing switches with wide phase distances,
bottom mounted
The mechanism turned degrees for space saving
In clu kit, stic dle and sta The dle is
p FF- and itio .5
I kA, Icw/ 0,25 kA, Icm= 176 (peak)
3 176 0T2000EM03P 1SCA118939R1001 42.5
4 176 0T2500EM04P 1SCA118946R1001 49.5
3 110 0T1600EM03W8P 1SCA115827R1001 22.0
3 110 0T1250EM03P 1SCA115708R1001 17..1250EM
4 0T1600EM04P 1SCA118948R1001 22..5
I kA, Icw/ 0,25 kA, Icm= 176 (peak)
3 176 0T2500EM03W4P 1SCA115840R1001 45.0
3 176 0T2500EM03W8P 1SCA115843R1001 47.5
4 0T1000EM04P 1SCA118950R1001 20..2500EM
Earthing switches, bottom mounted
The mechanism turned degrees for space saving
In clu kit, stic dle and sta The dle is
p FF- and sitio .5
4 0T1250EM04W4P 1SCA118940R1001 24.0
S itc Ordering information 33
4 176 0T2000EM04P 1SCA118947R1001 49.5
3 176 0T2500EM03P 1SCA115835R1001 42.5
4 0T1250EM04P 1SCA118949R1001 20.0
4 176 0T2500EM04W4P 1SCA118943R1001 52.0
3 110 0T1600EM03P 1SCA115815R1001 19.Ordering information
Earthing switches
4 176 0T2500EM04W8P 1SCA118945R1001 54.5
3 110 0T1250EM03W8P 1SCA115810R1001 22..
Number Icw/ Icw/ Icm nit/ eight/
of 0,25 peak type unit
poles [kA] [kA] [kA] Type Order number [pcs] [kg]
I kA, Icm= 110 (peak)
3 110 0T1000EM03P 1SCA118937R1001 17.5
3 110 0T1600EM03W4P 1SCA115822R1001 20