Poznámky redaktora
- correct voltage. This ctio used prevent
unwanted itching rated conditions are not met, e.
Gen set autom atic operation indicated the uto the fro the
device (red hen not autom atic mode).g.
The signaled the the fro the unit, and the pertinent
electrical contact closed.
This useful disable the gic and prevent autom atic itching llo any
alarms rigin atin the plant.7 Gen set state inputs
Three inputs onitor the gen set control the emergency line itchover procedure
and provide special alarm signals.
Gen set autom atic operation EN.4.
Sw itching emergency line enabled LE
A tiv tio this inpu inform the ATS010 that conditions required connect
the gen set the loads have been and therefore the emergency line circu it
breaker can closed.
Gen set alarm (GEN. Follow ing
alarms failures, the gic can till disabled using the push
button the fro the unit. fte the irc breaker has closed, this inpu inform s
the ATS010 that the breaker can rem ain closed.. )
In the case net anomaly, the gen set only started set autom atic
operation (input short-circuited).
W hen operating ith pow fro the emergency line, this alarm detected, the
c ircu breaker opens and the autom ation rem ains operative, ready close the
norm line irc breaker the norm pow supply restored.
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467 /48
This input can used ire several alarms com ing fro the gen set parallel: il
leak, overtemperature, etc. )
A gen set alarm (in short-circuited) prevents itching emergency line.6 Automation logic enable/disable
W hen this input short-circuited, the automatic itching logic enabled.
- correct frequency..
- correct synchronization ltip gen sets parallel.4. prevent unwanted start ups, autom atic operation
can disabled gen set maintenance