Poznámky redaktora
The release num ber num ber obtained rem oving the fin letter fro m
the serial num ber and takin the last digits (see the exam ple below ).g.5.8.1. are used, check the
release num ber before starting the unit.,
Y ust report the serial num ber henever u
contact custom services the case f
breakdow rific tio regarding ATS010
operation. ATS010 ID: serial and release numbers
Serial number
Each ATS010 has side panel ith label bearing the serial number.
W hen designing new plants, this num ber can considered valid.) depend the release the ATS010 installed.
W hen installing ATS010, dow the serial num ber (C
and keep together ith the plant docum entation.4.1.,
7. sections 3.
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467.5., 7., 7.
|X |Example label with serial number
A the example, the release number 04
W hen the functions described sections 3.4.
Release number
Some the operating modes described this anual (e.6.
A the tim this anual was printed, the ost recent release the ATS010 was
release 08