ABB Jednotka řízení záskoku Návod k instalaci a provozu (4)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 127 z 185

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Poznámky redaktora
are used, check the release num ber before starting the unit.6. A the tim this anual was printed, the ost recent release the ATS010 was release 08. W hen designing new plants, this num ber can considered valid.6.1.1., 7., 7. |X |Example label with serial number A the example, the release number 04 W hen the functions described sections 3. sections 3. W hen installing ATS010, dow the serial num ber (C and keep together ith the plant docum entation. Y ust report the serial num ber henever u contact custom services the case f breakdow rific tio regarding ATS010 operation. ATS010 ID: serial and release numbers Serial number Each ATS010 has side panel ith label bearing the serial number.6.1.8., 7. The release num ber num ber obtained rem oving the fin letter fro m the serial num ber and takin the last digits (see the exam ple below ).) depend the release the ATS010 installed.5.7.4. ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467.6. Release number Some the operating modes described this anual (e.4.1., 7.g.5