contact (potential-free) ust connected between this put and term inal 8.7. The odifications are found the attachment.
Such alternative irin has used the llo cases:
- the gen set voltage transient slow (i. longer than 10s)
- always, the ATS010 unit release lower.
See section 7.
Please read this carefully before application the ATS010.6.7.
U sing the irin shown diagram 7.
F example, the llo contactors can used:
Coil Type contactor ABB code
24V KC6-31 Z-P 24Vdc GJH 121 3001 3101
48V KC6-31 Z-P 48Vdc GJH 121 3001 3106
The 24V 48V pow supply used this application ust present hen
the ATS010 powered.
H ever the irin shown diagram 7.
Contactor shown the diagram 3-pole ini-contactor ith 24Vdc 48Vdc
coil.1 also possible. external contactor is
used rem ove the emergency voltage signal fro the ATS010 measurement inputs
u til itch ing enabled.
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467.e.1, hen operating the ATS010 strategy 2,
i there pow failure the norm line, the 010 aits the itch Enable
contact close before opening the ircu Breaker.7.6 Special applications Notes
This section describes some special cases the ATS010 irin diagrams
indicated ust odified.1 Switch Enable
A 010 term used enable itching itch Enable function).8 the release num ber ATS010.
The user responsible ensuring that the pow supply used can feed enough
current activate the contactor coil