7.4 Circuit Breaker accessories
Each the irc breakers used ith the ATS010 ust fitte ith the
fo llo accessories:
Em hunt opening release O
S hunt closing release YC
G tor tica lly charge closing springs
A uxilia for signaling circu it-b open/closed
A uxilia for signaling overcurrent release tripped
A uxilia for signaling circu it-b cte /cu t-o ff
Isom 3-S 4-S direct actio tor operator
A uxilia cts:
1 en/close changeover and release tripped con ct
co for signaling circu breaker con necte (only for circu it
breakers that can removed ithdraw n)
Isom 6-S Stored energy tor operator
A uxilia cts:
1 en/close changeover and release tripped con ct
co for signaling circu breaker con necte (only for circu it
breakers that can removed ithdraw n)
key lock protect against anual operation
Tm T4-T5 Stored energy tor operator MOE
Cabled auxiliary cts AUX-C: en/closed and release
tripped (1Q 1SY)
A uxilia sitio for signaling circuit-b r
connected (only for ircu breakers tha can removed or
w ithdraw n)
In addition, echanical interlo required between the breakers, follow s:
Emax echanical interlock across circuit-breakers
Isomax S3-S4-S5 echanical interlock across circuit-breakers
Isomax S6-S7 echanical interlock across circuit-breakers
Tmax T4-T5 Interlocking mechanism including plates and
horizontal vertical frame
ABB SACE SACE ATS010 RH0202002 L2467