Schválení. Všeobecné charakteristické vlastnosti. Komunikace. Měřené veličiny. Výstupy. Údaje pro objednávku. Úvod. Instalace. Funkce. Nastavení. Pulzní výstup. Odstraňování závad. Technické údaje ...
.sure disco ect supply before you sta the instal
Do not operate the uipm ent outside the specified technical
E For safety reasons recom ended the
eq uip installed akes possible to
reach touch the ina blo cks accident.
M eters ith ire com unication should not installed closer
than from people. Further, access the equip should lim
ited use lock and key, controlled ualified ele ctri
cal personnel.
In order allo aintenance tran sfo rated eters,
it recom ended ere should sho circu iting device
installed near the eter.
The best ake safe installation install the in
an enclosure.
Installation Requirements
To com ply ith the protection requirem ents eter ust be
m ounted protection class enclosures, better, according to
IEC 60259.
Electrical equipm ent should only installed, accessed, ser
viced and aintained alified electrical personnel.
W The eters ust alw ays protected ses on
th incom ing side