The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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The method hereinbefore described of iS transmitting electrical energy through the natural media, which consists producing between the earth and generator-terminal elevated above the same, generating- station, electrical impulses wave length 20 related the length the generating cir­ cuit conductor produce the maximum potential the elevated terminal, and of sufficiently-high electromotive force ren­ der elevated air strata conducting, causing 25 thereby propagation electrical impulses through the air strata, and collecting re­ ceiving point distant from the generat­ ing-station the energy such impulses by means receiving-circuit having length 30 conductor similarly related the wave length the impulses.645,576 transmitting electrical energy through the natural media, which consists producing between the earth and generator-terminal elevated above the same, generating-sta- 5 tion, electrical impulses sufficiently-high electromotive force to'render the air strata at or near the elevated terminal conducting, causing thereby current impulses pass through the air strata, and collecting re- io ceiving point distant from the generat­ ing-station the energy the current im­ pulses means circuit synchronized with the impulses.. The method hereinbefore described of transmitting electrical energy through the natural media, which consists generating 5b current impulses relatively-low electromo­ tive force generating-station, utilizing such impulses energize the primary á transformer, generating means such primary circuit impulses secondary sur- 55; rounding the primary and connected to the earth and elevated terminal, suf­ ficiently-high electromotive force render elevated air strata conducting, causing there­ by impulses propagated through the 60 air strata, collecting receiving the energy of such impulses, point distant from the generating-station, means receiving- circuit connected the earth and ele­ vated terminal, and utilizing the energy 65 received energizea secondary circuit low potential surrounding the receiving-circuit. NIKOLA TESLA. 8. 7. The method hereinbefore described of transmitting electrical energy through the natural media, which consists producing 35 between the earth and generator-terminal elevated above the same, generating-sta­ tion, sufficiently-high electromotive force to render elevated air strata conducting, caus­ ing thereby propagation flow electrical energy through the air strata, conduction, 40 collecting receiving the energy trans­ mitted means receiving-circuit a point distant from the generating-station, us­ ing the receiving-circuit energize second­ ary circuit, and operating translating de- 45 vices means the energy obtained in the secon'dary circuit. Witnesses: M , G. 9