The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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In the first-named disk armature machines the currents induced the rotating conductor flow from the center periphery, con­ versely, according the direction rotation 20 the lines force determined the signs the magnetic poles, and these currents are taken offusually connections orbrushes applied the disk points its periphery and near its center. These objections have sought avoid; and for this purpose construct machine with two fields, each having rotary conductor mounted between its poles, but the same prin- 50 ciple involved the case both forms of machine above described, and prefer to use the disk form shall confine the descrip­ tion herein that machine. vertical section the same right angles the shafts. 90 In order form frame with two fields of force, cast support with two pole-pieces B integralwith it. The pole-pieces 95 are wound connected produce field of force given polarity, and the pole-pieces C are wound connected produce. 406,968, dated July 16, 1889. This invention relates that class elec­ trical generators known unipolar,” in which disk cylindrical conductor is mounted between magnetic poles adapted to 15 produce approximately-uniform field. I would call attention the obvious fact 70 that the direction magnetism both fields the same the same result above will obtained driving the disks op­ posite directions and crossing the connect­ ing-belts. this join bolts E a casting with two similar and correspond­ ing pole-pieces C'.nited States Patent Office. It has been proposed couple two more 40 disks together*in series with the object ob­ taining higher electro-motive force; but with the connections heretofore used and us­ ing other conditions speed and dimension of disk necessary securing good practicable 45 results this difficulty still felt seri­ ous obstacle the use this kind gener­ ator. •I prefer construct the machine such manner that the direction magnetism or order the poles one field force oppo- 60 site that the other, that rotation the disks the same direction develops current in one from center circumference and the other from circumference center. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. Contacts applied therefore the shafts upon which the 65 disks are mounted form the terminals a circuit the electro-motive force which is the sum the electro-motive forces the two disks. Fig. The disks are formed with flanges, after the manner pul- 55 leys, and are connected together flexible conducting bands belts. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. BROWN, NEW YORK, Y. ApplicationfiledM arch23, 1889. this way the difficulty se- 75 curing and maintaining good contact with the peripheries the disks avoided and a cheap and durable machine made which is useful for many purposes—such for ex­ citer for alternating-current generators, for So motor, and for any other purpose for which dynamo-machines are used. In order develop economically electro- 30 motive force available for practicable pur­ poses, necessary either rotate the con­ ductor very high rate speed use a disk large diameter cylinder great length; but either case becomes difficult 35 secure and maintain good electrical' con­ nection between the collecting-brushes and the conductor, owing the high peripheral speed. The specific construction the machine which have just generally described have illustrated the accompanying drawings, 85 which— Figure side view, partly section, of my improved machine. SerialH o,304,498. (H om odel,) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, from ' Smiljan, Lika, border country Austria- Hungary, subject ofthe Emperor Austria, S and resident New York, the county and State New York,have invented certain new and useful Improvements Dynamo Mag­ neto Electric Machines, ofwhich the following is specification, reference being had the io accompanying drawings. DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINE., ASSIGNOR TWO-THIRDS TO CHARLES PECK, ENGLEWOOD, NEW JERSEY, AND ALFRED S. the case the cy- 25 lindrical armature-machine the currents de­ veloped the cylinder are taken off by brushes applied the sides the cylinder at its ends