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The many visitors West Orange were given free access to the lab its early years. The impressive buildings and the "Wizard's" extravagant claims did the rest. Edison was careful to cultivate good relations with the press; was very important to generate favorable publicity this time because needed to attract venture capitalists the laboratory finance his experiments.Ill- 1 CHAPTER THREE LIFE AND WORK EDISON'S LABORATORY. These groups were carefully and lavishly entertained and . They included newspapermen, hangers-on, the curious bystanders who had heard about the great events the lab, and gentlemen conducting their own experiments with Edison's approval. The West Orange lab quickly became famous. Edison's already considerable reputation, and his carefully orchestrated publicity campaign, attracted international attention the new laboratory. Edison was celebrity and his laboratory public place. was the new home the "Wizard Menlo Park," and this gave aura mystery and power. Although many the visitors were merely spectators, the famous people who visited the lab, whether royalty popular entertainers, continued generate free publicity for Edison and his work, keeping him the public eye