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Edison's insistence that the radio business was too chaotic and dangerous enter was probably ascribed the obstinacy the "old man" who could not see, hear, its advantages.^ The marketing problems were many; the technology was new and one could predict how the customer would respond. The radio business was hit hard because the market was flooded with very cheap radios produced the many small companies struggling survive.'s ambitious marketing strategy; only the low-cost producers had chance make profit. This had shown some results the early twenties, but unfortunately the company entered the radio market just the competition became intense and vicious price war began. early 1925 the signs overcrowded industry were present many the 13 financial weaklings went bankrupt The Splitdorf Company had warned its investors that the radio business was "hazardous one," but nothing seemed dampen the enthusiasm the management TAE Inc. This was the death knell for TAE Inc. In 1929 the first indications the Great Depression were present: sluggish demand, soft prices, and growing unemployment. After losing about $2 million dollars, the company withdrew from the industry. The Edison company used the same strategy adopted for the phonograph aiming the high end the market. The .XIV- 8 work college-trained engineers and experienced marketing men. Yet Edison's jaundiced pessimism about radio proved to correct: the industry was marked overproduction and competition between many small players