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Poznámky redaktora
Many other manufacturers suffered the same , 3 fate, and had watch the rapid collapse their markets. early 1920 the danger signs were apparent: collapse the currency markets, rising interest rates, and some steep declines in share prices.XIII- 2 that 1909-1919 recorded increase 520% ^ The boom year 1920 came unhappy end for the Edison enterprise the economy suffered sharp downturn. The government embarked policy sharp deflation, and cut its budget about billion. noted that "these hard times keep busy day and night, and have n 4 to work about hours day keep the ship afloat. Edison returned the helm his enterprise lurched towards major crisis. . The international economy had been shattered during the World War and the United States now stood the leader weakened world economy, and vulnerable its ups and downs. had given control his son Charles, but the latter was brushed aside Edison senior began campaign reducing costs cutting staff. The shock the post-war depression intensified the cost reduction program that had Edison had tried execute earlier. Edison's enormous energy was applied resolving the crisis. the end 1920 the West Orange complex reeled under the shock drastic decrease sales of phonographs. He returned West Orange war's end convinced that a deflationary financial policy was imminent, and ordered E cutbacks his organization face the uncertain future. The money supply decreased alarmingly