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Poznámky redaktora
Mar 1925, 1925 Radio. 24) Durand Gilmore, Mar 1907, Phono l. 30) 78, Ediphone Business, May 1918, TAE Inc. 28) Charles Edison Division Managers, Sept 1917, TAE Inc. 33) Memo Constable, Development Work for Ediphone, lov 1919, Phono.in 1920. 32) Durand Edison, Jan 1918, Phono Ediphone.L. 36) J. 25) Dyer Durand, April 1910, Phono, ph.P. Commercial dept. organization. 1913/1914 $15,000 p. Ediphone minutes, experimental lists, accounts. 34) Ediphone Buyers Guide, Warsaw collection. 26) Ediphone Competition Bulletin, #179, April 1931. Meikle, Twentieth Century Limited Industrial Design in America 1925-1939 (Philadelphia: Temple 1979), 82.XI 22) Miller reminiscences, lew York Public ledger. 31) Experimental costs the Ediphone rose from around $9,000 p. 27) Buyers Guide, Warsaw collection .a.a. 23) 1909, Phono Edison Business Phonograph. . 35) Durand Constable and Edison, Aug 1918, Phono Ediphone. This was the cost of one experimenter, half time for assistant Works engineer, and skilled mechanic. 29) Rational Ediphone Sales Conference, Jan 1925, D7 Phonograph