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Poznámky redaktora
" Durand told the sales force that "people don't buy (the dictating machine) for the motor the other parts, but for the 27 service. Edison's executives were exception. did not use the Edison 28 dictating machine." It was only with the creation the Commercial Phonograph Division that Durand finally had the money build up his own network dealers and mould the sales force into an organization that could sell and maintain dictating machines. She was more forgiving of frequent errors and corrections than machine. Customers were told that buying a machine they were assured more than the expertise the Edison laboratory, but also the support "Our Local Service Organization for maintenance and .. Many users of dictating machines dropped them when the secretarial staff . The latter— now normally woman— often played an important part composing the letter. He aimed keeping over one hundred salesmen the field at all times. There was still great deal resistance the dictating machine American offices.daily attention.. Charles Edison was most annoyed that the division managers TAE Inc.XI-15 existing office arrangement. There were many good reasons for the sales resistance to dictating machines. Businessmen preferred to dictate stenographer, rather machine. The machines might efficient, but they could not replace the personal relationship businessman and stenographer. Many businessmen preferred dictate office girls