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Poznámky redaktora
Plimpton fought keep artistic autonomy over the production of negatives the Bronx. Movie making had also been taken from West Orange and placed closer to the artists Manhattan. The . Recording had always been function the lab, but the need place the studio close the artistic community resulted studio established 5th Avenue New York 1906. Many projects required the coordination effort between the two. 10-4, 0454) Yet the management the studios often tried assert their independence. The relationship between central laboratory West Orange and the satellites was more than one master and servants. This had done in the manufacturing plant and was normally carried out the staff the satellite laboratory. The final approval all Edison records and movies lay the committee lab personnel who sat judgement West Orange.X-23 Orange laboratory and transferred elsewhere. Perfecting the technology required close cooperation. O ft (Illus. some cases, techniques and processes that had been developed the satellite laboratories were transfered the central lab West Orange. The Bronx studio, like all the other film making and recording facilities, was theoretically under the control the main laboratory West Orange. Special equipment that was designed and built at the central lab needed testing situ. The studio not only recorded but also tested records and equipment. This was especially the case George Plimpton the Bronx studio