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" The new bureaucratic organization the lab functioned Edison's whim. The department carried out work the phonograph, primary battery and motion picture products. Although the position Chief Engineer had, 1910, become part the formal organization the laboratory, was filled at Edison's discretion. 1911 his engineering department was responsible for designing small electric motor for prospective Edison lawn mower, complete electric delivery wagon, and shaving machine for the business phonograph. George Bliss had been brought West Orange because his expertise in electric motors and regulators exactly fitted the direction of the Edison enterprise and supported the newly created small electric motor department the Works.IX-22 . His tenure Chief Engineer spanned the work production engineering the disc and storage battery projects; this alone meant the design several new machines. Edison's order that "if Bliss feels job too big— give Weber" reveals that the pressure was too great for Bliss. Edison directed the activities the new Chief Engineer and was not above interfering his work, sometimes taking projects from him work personally. 0 greatly disturbs the organization. Yet Bliss was asked to undertake great range work which electrical machinery was only small part. Edison gradually eroded the power the Chief . The Chief Engineer could not specialist because the work of his department was expanded cover very many products