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study and read everything you can on the subject. Electrical technology was international nature and its rapid development was the result the transatlantic movement men, machines, and ideas. The supply rooms served both experimenters and machine shops, containing a complete store metal parts, screws, wire, joints, gears, tubes, and sheets. was Edison's goal have .8 all past experience . now had the money gather all the technical journals and scientific literature which would be the starting point his innovations." The development the electric light had shown the importance information gathering. would also contain the batteries, magnets, and electrical sub assemblies that were needed make up experimental apparatus. Edison knew that experimenters needed all kinds supplies and therefore placed the supply room close them. The second floor the building this plan contains the supply and apparatus room, which were positioned close to the experimental rooms called upon when needed. The experience the electrical industry had shown that a key piece information, the key breakthrough, could easily hidden obscure scientific journal— such as Pacinotti's discovery the ring armature— and Edison planned to locate and take advantage any new piece scientific knowledge that came his way... These were ordered for the library which would resource for all Edison's workers and testament the importance information flow his Q laboratory