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Edison's agents were ordered scour the country for deposits iron ore, gold, and other precious metals that could separated his process. The mine owners were conservative group and this strategy failed.22 New Jersey's iron making industry had begun colonial times, when the large deposits magnetite iron ore the north the state attracted miners. was simple and inexpensive and appealed him. The project developed along familiar lines: research led the granting patents, model separator was constructed, and attempts were made sell the Edison ore separators mines. His basic idea was use powerful electromagnet pull iron particles from falling stream ore.VI-20 $10,000,000 worth ore, bringing annual profit of $3,000,000. Ideal sites for magnetic separation were found the ore mines New Jersey and Pennsylvania that were exhausted high grade ore. Edison's experiments in magnetic separation ores had been started Menlo Park and this led Edison's first patents this technology 1880. pilot plant was established Bechtelville, Pennsylvania mid 1889 and from the first operations this plant Edison was . Experiments continued at the Harrison lab and the new metallurgical building set at West Orange. This was something had done many times before. Edison then moved forward into establishing companies run mines using his extracting and processing equipment