Frekvenční měniče Katalogy, manuály (EN+CZ)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 637 z 825

Poznámky redaktora
4) Ohm 1.4 ACS800-B07LC-28S0-5 SxR8i 4 1.2) Ohm 1.7) Ohm 585B 2S27 4710 749S 2BSS B0S0 41.B ACS800-B07LC-0S10-5 R7i S 2.B ACS800-B07LC-17S0-7 2xR8i 2 Ohm 2.4) Ohm 585B 2S27 S770 749S 2BSS 4820 42.9 ACS800-B07LC-1000-S 2xR8i 2 1.7 Ohm 2. 1) Total height ith arine orts 208 and depth ith arine handles 718 mm.B ACS800-B07LC-5200-7 4xR8i 5 Ohm 2.4 Ohm 1171 4B5 1S00 1499 527 1BB0 8.9 ACS800-B07LC-0BS0-5 R8i S 1. /max Peak brake current (DC) per chop per odule phase.0 ACS800-B07LC-0750-S R8i 2 1.2) Ohm 1.S ACS800-B07LC-4710-5 5xR8i Un 690 (Rang 525-690 V) S Ohm 7.S Ohm 5.1 ACS800-B07LC-0500-S R8i S 1. Cyclic load min min) Idc Total input current brake unit during period inute with braking pow bt.B ACS800-B07LC-B500-7 5xR8i Resistor R min inim allow resistance value the brake resistor for one phase of the brake module. Total input current brake unit.4 Ohm 1171 4B5 750 1499 527 9B0 9.7) Ohm 2S42 9S1 1880 2997 105S 2410 17.1 ACS800-B07LC-2B00-7 2xR8i S Ohm 2.4) Ohm 4B85 18B2 5200 5994 210B BB50 SS.B) Ohm 15B2 B21 17S0 1998 702 2220 15.4) Ohm 1.4) Ohm 1. Frame Size Dimensions Height112) mm Width51 mm Depth11 mm Weight kg R7i 200S 400/700 B44 S00 R8i 200S 400/700 B44 S00 2xR8i 200S 800/1400 B44 B00 SxR8i 200S 1200/2100 B44 900 4xR8i 200S 1B00/2800 B44 1200 5xR8i 200S 2000/S500 B44 1500 SAFE682485S1 REV 20.2) Ohm 1.7) Ohm S514 1S9B 28S0 449B 1580 SB20 25. Pbr hort term braking pow per brake unit allow one inute every minutes. Pcont.0 ACS800-B07LC-1880-5 2xR8i S 1.4) Ohm 1. 3) First values bottom exit and latter values for exit.7) Ohm 4B85 18B2 S770 5994 210B 4820 SS.4) Ohm 4B85 18B2 S010 5994 210B S8B0 S4.1 Ohm 781 S10 500 999 S51 B40 7.S ACS800-B07LC-12B0-5 2xR8i 2 1.B Ohm 781 S10 870 999 S51 1110 8.5 ACS800-B07LC-1510-S 2xR8i S 1.Liquid-cooled multidrive 3-phase high power ■ brake units Resistor data Nominal ratings No­ overload use Cycle load* (1min/5min) Noise level Dissipation liquid Dynamic Braking Unit Frame Rmin Ohm Ohm /dcpeak A DC Pcontmax kW /dcpeak A DC Pbr kW dB(A) (chopper) kW Massflow l/min Liquid Qty l Type INU Un 400 (Rang 380-415 V) S S.2) Ohm 1.0 ACS800-B07LC-0870-7 R8i S Ohm 2.7) Ohm 2.B) Ohm 15B2 B21 12B0 1998 702 1B10 1S.4) Ohm 2S42 9S1 2B00 2997 105S SSS0 17. Irms Total rms phase current brake unit.max axim continuous braking pow per brake unit. Irms Total rms current per brake unit phase during period of 1 inute ith braking pow Pbr.4) Ohm 2S42 9S1 1510 2997 105S 19S0 17.2 Ohm 2.5 Ohm 4. Typica| ratings ver|° use 2) Pressure release lids require additional 400 mm.4 ACS800-B07LC-S770-S 5xR8i Un 500 (Rang 380-500 V) S 4.0 ACS800-B07LC-22B0-S SxR8i 4 1.2 Ohm 1.2.8 ACS800-B07LC-0940-5 R8i 2 2. Rmax esistance value the brake resistor for one phase the brake m odule corresponding the axim achieved continuous braking power.2 ACS800-B07LC-S770-5 4xR8i 5 1. Note: nnect one resistor per brake odule phase.1) Ohm 15B2 B21 1000 1998 702 1290 1S.S ACS800-B07LC-S900-7 SxR8i 4 Ohm 2.7 ACS800-B07LC-1S00-7 R8i 2 Ohm S.2 Ohm S90 155 S10 500 17B 400 2.4 ACS800-B07LC-04S0-7 R7i S Ohm S.1 Ohm S90 155 250 500 17B S20 2. For exam ple, brake unit fram size 2xR including brake m odules resistors are needed.4) Ohm 585B 2S27 B500 749S 2BSS 8S20 41.7 Ohm 1171 4B5 940 1499 527 1210 8.2) Ohm 2.4) Ohm S514 1S9B 22B0 449B 1580 2890 2B.1 Ohm S90 155 4S0 500 17B 550 2.4 Ohm 1.2009 Hardware options 27 .5 ACS800-B07LC-0250-S R7i S 1.1 ACS800-B07LC-S010-S 4xR8i 5 1.B Ohm 781 S10 BS0 999 S51 800 B.4) Ohm S514 1S9B S900 449B 1580 4990 25