EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Poznámky redaktora
. HAT, man’s black'fedora (on table, section 9) [Use winter only. Common early twentieth century office supply. here that directors’ meetings are sometimes held. Reproduce.WRITING PADS (on table, section 9) Figures and 73; Edison: His Life and Inventions, p. Reproduce... Reproduce." Acquire.were thirteen thick, soft Smyrna rugs.] Figure shows hat in position. DESK, Edison’s rolltop (in center room, facing south, section 10) Figures 61, 62, 70, 73, 74, 81, and 86. Acquire.at long table surrounded swivel desk­ chairs.. PENCILS, Eagle brand, 6 and FOUNTAIN PENS, (on table, section 9) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890 for pencils. OVERCOAT, man’s black wool (draped over armchair at table, section 9) [Use winter only. HAND BLOTTER (on table, section 9) . 251 . Use EDIS 131. CONTENTS DESK (in Edison’s desk above, section 10) Retain contents currently in desk..] Figures 61, 62, and 73.if the occasion calls for it, [Edison] will turn around the table, seize writing-pad. ORIENTAL CARPET, large (in center room, next to carpet under Edison’s desk, section 10) Figures 61, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 74, and 81; the Evening Sun, February 11, 1889: "On the polished floor. HAT, straw, with black band (on table, section 9) [Use summer only." Acquire.. Exchanging INKSTAND (on table, section 8) Common early twentieth century office supply; voucher 428, 1890.. Acquire.] Figure 86. Acquire.. ; LEDGER BOOKS, (on table, section 9) Figure 54; voucher 265, 1888; voucher 1069,1888; voucher 711, 1890. 642: ". Reproduce.