EDISON LABORATORY Edison National Historic Site West Orange, New Jersey Volume 1

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Use EDIS 7777. 222 . Use EDIS 7833. Use EDIS 3271, EDIS 3276, and EDIS 3270.633 Shop order 2183 indicates that Cave was carrying out experiments with automobile wheels, perhaps part the electric car project. Used to conduct experiments. Needed support equipment. Laverty reported that the experimenter Alexander Cave was involved roasting iron sulphate order dehydrate it. Used to conduct experiments. CRUCIBLES, (on table) Historian’s Note 90. Use EDIS 7801. DRUMS BENZOL, 2 (south wall, west door) Voucher 33, May 1910. Acquire. Reproduce. FURNACE (on table) Historian’s Note 90. Although Laverty said that Cave had his own kiln (somewhere outside the laboratory), both these experiments could have been carried out near the furnaces. Used to conduct experiments. This area was taken with the chemistry laboratory’s furnaces. Reproduce. Used to conduct experiments. DRUM CAUSTIC SODA (south wall,west door) Voucher 30, February 1910. Use E-1230. Use EDIS 7779.South Wall: Furnaces and Chemical Storage. BLACKSMITH’S TONGS (on table) Historian’s Note 90. REICKHELM FURNACE (on table) Historian’s Note 90. Small SHOVEL (on table) Historian’s Note 90. Object and Location Evidence Recommendation LAB TABLES, (against south wall) Common usage laboratory. Used to conduct experiments. BARREL NAPHTHA FLAKES (south wall, west of door) Voucher 63, February 1910. Used to conduct experiments. Used to conduct experiments. 633 Laverty correspondence Historian’s Note 90. POT FURNACE (on table) Historian’s Note 90. VISE (on table) Historian’s Note 90. LADLE (on table) Historian’s Note 90. Use E-1518. Used to conduct experiments. Reproduce. EDIS collection