CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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8 MPa min (N/mm2 ), tensile strength after heat ageing 14. Advice and ordering: Phone: 02191 3718-01, Fax: 02191 3718-85, Email: bestellung@cimco.0 roll 4020 1 1/2 41. dioxin released during incineration. The products are non-corrosive (compatible with copper) and compatible with all commonly used materials for cable insulation, such plastic, rubber, lead, steel, aluminium, silicone, etc.354 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Article no.0 25.5 1.0 6.5 6.3 5.5 0. mm, for industrial use particular.5 1.5 26.0 41.0 80.5 9. 6LJQLÌFDQWFKHPLFDOSHUIRUPDQFHSURSHUWLHV Excellent light, ozone and salt water resistance, good resistance commonly used chemicals (cleaners and solvents, weak acids and bases, fuels, oils), resistance fungus and rot (Rating according ISO 846 Method A).5 3.5 200 roll 4008 3/16 5.5 3.0 roll 4028 . The heat shrink tubes are self-extinguishing according 224 Heat-shrink tubes 0DGHIURPKRPRJHQRXVSRO\ROHÌQWKHUPDOO\VWDELOLVHGFURVVOLQNHGE\LUUDGLDWLRQZLWKRXWVWDQGLQJPHFKDQLFDO stability, chemical resistance and electrical properties: 6LJQLÌFDQWPHFKDQLFDOSHUIRUPDQFHSURSHUWLHV W\SLFDOPHDVXUHGYDOXHV Tensile strength 14. 300 550 mm (depending size heat shrink tube), core diameter approx. • Begin the shrinking process, starting one end the tube. • Only undertake shrinking clean surfaces, free dust and grease possible.0 9.5 MPa min (N/mm2 ), elongation at break 460%, elongation break after heat ageing (168 +158 °C) 480 thermal shock +250°C) 8% with complete shrinkage, cold shock –30 °C) breaking.0 2.0 19.0 50.0 2.0 12.5 roll 4022 2 50. 6LJQLÌFDQWHOHFWULFDOSHUIRUPDQFHSURSHUWLHV 'LHOHFWULFVWUHQJWKN9PP JUHHQ\HOORZGHVLJQN9PP VSHFLÌFHOHFWULFDOUHVLVWDQFH[1/cm (yellow-green design 1014 1/cm), Further detailed mechanical, chemical, and electrical product data, well overview the approvals and FHUWLÌFDWLRQVIURPYDULRXVWHVWLQVWLWXWHVFDQEHREWDLQHGRQUHTXHVWLQWKHIRUPRIRXUWHFKQLFDOGDWDVKHHWV Detailed dimensions the individual types and sizes the CIMCO heat shrink tube range can found page 360. The heat shrink tubes not contain any asbestos, azoic compounds, formaldehydes silicone.5 1.5 100 roll 4016 3/4 19. Thin-walled, black heat shrink tube shrinkage ratio 1 +DORJHQIUHHWKLQZDOOHGËH[LEOHVWDQGDUGHOHFWULFDOKHDWVKULQNWXEHZLWKVKULQNDJHUDWLR VKULQNLQJFDSDELOLW\ GRZQWRKDOIWKHVSHFLÌHGLQWHUQDOGLDPHWHUEHIRUHKHDWVKULQNLQJ +LJKO\VXLWDEOHIRUHOHFWULFDOLQVXODWLRQDVEHQG and abrasion protection, damp protection for seals, for bundling, for strain relief and for marking electronics and electrical engineering, telecommunications, cable assembly, the automotive industry and many other areas.5 200 roll 4004 3/32 2.0 100. Long-term operational temperature + 125 °C.1 0. • Shrinkage temperature from +70 +115 °C.0 41.5 100 roll 4014 1/2 12.5 200 roll 4006 1/8 3.0 100 roll 4018 1 26.1 200 roll 4002 1/16 1. Nominal-ø BEFORE shrinking Shrink range Length inch m 3/64 1. Very good printability with heat seal-, inkjet- and offset printing.5 4.65 1.5 100 roll 4012 3/8 9.0 12.0 100 roll 4010 1/4 6.0 roll 4024 3 80. Supplied dispenser rolls, stable, environmentally friendly cardboard rolls, diameter approx.5 20. Working instructions: • necessary, cut the heat shrink tube the desired length, taking care ensure smooth cut edge.0 51.0 roll 4026 4 100. • Ideally, work with special hot-air blower, heating furnace infrared lamp