CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 331 z 388

Poznámky redaktora
Opening depth mm round recess 120 1650 Please specify any custom recess when ordering. Control pliers for paper punches and thin plastics, e.g. The symbols correspond the VWDQGDUGV',1',1DQGWKH,(&0DWHULDO6HOIDGKHVLYH39&ÌOPZLWKODPLQDWLRQPPWKLFN Temperature resistant from –30°C +100°C, dirt-repellent, durable adhesive power. Pieces Dimensions per sheet mm 25 2690 ,GHQWLÌFDWLRQRIFRQGXFWRUV WKHVHOIDGKHVLYHÌOPV\PEROVIRUWKHPDUNLQJRIQRQLQVXODWHGDQGLQVXODWHGFRQGXFWRUVKRXVLQJVVZLWFKFDELQHWV and equipment are available range sizes sheet for rapid application. Basic stickers WKHVHOIDGKHVLYHEDVLFVWLFNHUFRQVLVWVRIZKLWHZULWHRQSODVWLFÌOPWRZKLFKVWLFNHUVFDQEHUHSHDWHGO\DWWDFKHG ,WDGKHUHVZHOOWRDFOHDQVXUIDFHDQGLVGHVWUR\HGZKHQUHPRYHG7KHGRFXPHQWÌOPLVUHVLVWDQWWRZDWHUDOLSKDWLF solvents, and petroleum-based oils and fats. for simply marking stickers before they are removed from the backing material.5 mm Pieces per sheet Outer conductor black 2620 Outer conductor black 2622 Outer conductor black 2624 Neutral conductor blue 2626 Protective conductor PE, green-yellow 2628 Neutral conductor protective function 2630 Earth 2632 Earth, does not comply with DIN 011 2634 . 12.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 331 M G Design Size Article no