CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
white 310 1154 grey 310 1156 Epoxy minute adhesive Transparent 2-component adhesive with extremely strong adhesion, elastic well impact/tension/shock resist- ant, for all materials. walls and ceilings) without any problems whatsoever. order prevent overheating GXULQJVROGHULQJ FRROVORFDOO\WRm}&VXLWDEOHIRUDOOPDWHULDOV H[FOXGLQJSODVWLFV KLJKO\ËDPPDEOH 400 1090 Compressed air spray Removes dust and loose contamination without residue, thus enabling dry, contact-free cleaning, even inacces- sible corners and sensitive surfaces when dealing with electronic devices, magnetic heads, cameras, clockwork mechanisms, model-making equipment, metrology, etc. 400 1120 50 1122 Smoke detector test spray Special testing gas for the quick and reliable functional testing photoelectric (optoelectronic) smoke detectors ZLWKRXWFRPSOH[WHVWLQJHTXLSPHQW7LQFRQWHQWVXIÌFLHQWIRUDSSUR[VPRNHGHWHFWRUWHVWV 250 1126 Adhesives Assembly adhesive )RUWKHTXLFNXQLYHUVDOERQGLQJRIPHWDOVYDULRXVSODVWLFVFRQFUHWHPDUEOHQDWXUDODQGDUWLÌFLDOVWRQHFHUDPLFVHQDPHO SODVWHUDVZHOODV0')ERDUGZRRGHQERDUGFKLSERDUGÌEUHERDUGDQGSODVWHUERDUG7KDQNVWRLWVÌUPFRQVLVWHQF\LW is possible bond cable ducts areas where drilling not possible (e. Freeze spray For thermal troubleshooting and the quickest functional testing electrical components, thermostats, ignition– and control units, for the cooling motor parts and heat-sensitive components (e.05 max. 10 1224 Universal instant adhesive Solvent-free and cold-setting cyanoacrylate adhesive that hardens under pressure. Medium strength, for gap bridging 0. 24 1215 CIMLOCK screw lock Premium adhesive and sealant for the securing, fastening and sealing screws, studs, joint and surface connections.g.25 mm. 0.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 247 S S Design Size Article no. The assembly adhesive silicone and solvent free and can coated painted over (“wet wet”). Hardening takes place following metal contact with the air.g. 400 1092 All-round spray +LJKSHUIRUPDQFHPDLQWHQDQFHDQGVHUYLFHSURGXFWIRUDOODSSOLFDWLRQVLQWKHÌHOGVRILQGXVWU\WUDGHKRXVHKROG and hobby, acts corrosion protection metal parts, penetrating oil (rust remover, elimination squeaking and creaking noises), water displacing agent, lubricant and cleaner (including oil, grease, tar and DGKHVLYHUHVLGXH OHDYHVEHKLQGDORQJODVWLQJDGKHVLYHÌOPWKDWQHLWKHUVPHDUVQRUVWLFNV,GHDODSSOLFDWLRQLQWKH ÌHOGRIHOHFWULFDOHQJLQHHULQJDQGHOHFWURQLFVDVDQDQWLFRQGHQVDWLRQDJHQWRQFLUFXLWERDUGVDVDFRQWDFWVSUD\RQ generators and solenoid switches. 24 1210 Fast metal minute adhesive 6WHHOÌOOHGFRPSRQHQWHSR[\PLQXWHDGKHVLYHKLJKLPSDFWDQGWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKWHPSHUDWXUHUHVLVWDQWIURP –60°C +145°C. 20 1200 Product video Smoke detector test spray