CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

Strana 189 z 388

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189 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3,2 mm 4,8 mm S S Design Size Article no. Hydraulic hand-held punch straight design (1. +\GUDXOLFF\OLQGHUZLWKTXLFNÌWWLQJFRXSOLQJ XSWRN1 KLJKWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKDOXPLQLXPERG\VXLWDEOHIRUWHQVLRQ bolts with UNF-thread, 19.0 kg Supplied strong plastic case: hydraulic punch with hand pump, hydraulic cylinder, hydraulic 600 hose, two hydraulic bolts, spacer sleeve set (3-piece), HSS pre-drill 11. Punching force: kN operating pressure max: 650 bar. 1 4023 Keyway pliers quickly and easily punches keyways 2.0 mm, drip-free coupling and uncoupling, easy operation, with dust protector cap, supplied plastic case.6 kg) 4016 +\GUDXOLFKDQGKHOGSXQFKmDQJOHG}FDQEHURWDWHG} 4018 Hydraulic punch with hand pump Ideal restricted spaces, for round, rectangular and square punching in control cabinets and plant construction.0 steel sheets (ST 37), dispenses with WLPHFRQVXPLQJÌOLQJRIJURRYHVIRUDQWLURWDWLRQDOORFNLQJNH\ZD\VSRVVLEOHLQPP and 4.0 mm Hydraulic punch with hand pump 4020 Hydraulic punch with foot pump Ideal restricted spaces, for round, rectangular and square punching in control cabinets and plant construction.3 kg Keyway pliers 4000 Replacement punches 3. Made high tensile strength aluminium (saving approx. 40% weight), ergonomic handle springs back itself, one-handed operation means easier positioning the die the crosshairs. Hydraulic hand-held punches Practical hand-held punch for round, rectangular and square punching control cabinets and plant construction. Punching force: with pressure relief valve Operating pressure max: 650 bar Weight: 2.8 4002 . Pressure relief valve provides safety function: pressure switched off automatically 650 bar.0 mm Hydraulic punch with foot pump 4022 Hydraulic cylinder )RUDOOHOHFWULFIRRWDQGKDQGRSHUDWHGSXPSVZLWKTXLFNÌWWLQJFRXSOLQJDQGDPD[LPXPRXWSXWSUHVVXUHRIEDU Compact construction, for punching round, rectangular and square holes well special shapes stainless steel and steel sheets (control cabinets and plant construction).8 size, interchangeable keyway punch, long operating life as punch and die are made hardened tool steel, easy punching thanks strong leverage transfer, weight 1.7 per piston stroke 6XSSOLHGLQDVWURQJSODVWLFFDVHIRRWSXPSK\GUDXOLFF\OLQGHUZLWKTXLFNÌWWLQJFRXSOLQJK\GUDXOLFKRVHP two hydraulic bolts, spacer sleeve set pieces), pre-drill 11.2 and 4. Keep both hands free for exact positioning and punching: splayed support stand ensures tip-proof operation Punching force: with pressure relief valve Operating pressure max: 700 bar3 Tank volume: 270 cm Usable oil volume: 210 cm Flow rate: 1