CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
• Titanium nitride coated blades guarantee the longest possible service life and extremely goods sliding properties • Secure hold thanks ergonomic, anti-slip 2-component handle zone • Four-blade layout reduces force required and increases precision • Inscription panel makes easier personalise the sheath stripper • Length scale • TÜV/GS tested 8 2027 Super sheath stripper With round and longitudinal cutter, insulation stripping mechanism and foldaway additional blade Sheath stripping: cable e.g. 6KHDWKVWULSSLQJURXQGDQGORQJLWXGLQDOFXWDVZHOODVËXVKVWULSSLQJLQGLIÌFXOWWRUHDFKSODFHVVXFKDVFHLOLQJDQG wall areas, distributors and junction boxes. ,QVXODWLRQVWULSSLQJËH[LEOHDQGVROLGFRQGXFWRUVmmmmmPP2 Cutting: solid conductors mm2 ËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUVWRPP2 8 0021 Inside-socket sheath stripper wand for all common cables ø.5 mm2 , with two-way OHQJWKVWRS LGHDOIRUULJKWDQGOHIWKDQGHGSHRSOH ZLWKDWWDFKPHQWGHYLFHDWWKHHQGRIWKHKDQGOH7 9*6FHUWLÌHG 8 130 0005 NEW .5 mm2 LQVWDOODWLRQULEERQFDEOHXSWRPPZLGWKËH[LEOHFRQGXFWRUVmPP2 . (VSHFLDOO\VXLWDEOHIRUZRUNLQSODFHVWKDWDUHGLIÌFXOWWRDFFHVV 8 0028 6KHDWKVWULSSHUIRUËDWFDEOHV IRUDOOFRPPRQËDWDQGRYDOFDEOHVXSWRDZLGWKRIPPLQVXODWLRQVWULSSLQJIRUFRQGXFWRUV DQGËH[LEOHVWUDQGHGZLUHVmmPP2 max. An insulation stripper for stripping the sheath off ribbon and round cables, for DIY, trade industrial applications.8 1.129 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 TiN TiN W S Design Size Article no. MULTISTRIPPER cable sheath stripper for processing all round cables from ø. 4 130 0009 Cable sheath stripper Uni-Plus for sheath stripping round cables between insulation stripping various types cable, e.5 mm2 Insulation stripping: 0.5 mm2 or 2.5 mm2 , not necessary adjust the blade the cutting depth, housing made high quality, wear-resistant polyamide, with insulation stripping device for conductors and stranded wires 1.3 0.5 mm2 8 0025 Universal cable sheath stripper for all common cables ø.g. Repositionable length stop for left and right handed people with parking position for free conductor bypass for any length stripping, structured, anti-slip surfaces, 7 9*6FHUWLÌHG6WULSSLQJDFDEOHZLWKYDU\LQJZDOOWKLFNQHVVRIWKHVKHDWKPDNHVLWGLIÌFXOWIRUDQ\XVHUQRWWR damage the inner conductors because the cut depth the blade and the contact pressure the hand cannot be precisely controlled.5 2.5 mm2 to 2. Long stretches cable can stripped using longitudinal cut. NYM 1.5 mm2 and 2. 0029 All-rounder cable sheath stripper IRUDOOFRPPRQURXQGFDEOHVLQFOFDEOHVIRUÌ[HGLQVWDOODWLRQPRLVWXUHSURRILQGXVWULDOHQHUJ\WHOHSKRQHVRODU sensor, YMzK, halogen-free, data, coax, Cat (5,6,7), RG58/59, video cable well ribbon cable for installations.2 0. Area stripped: common round cables with PVC sheath, rubber,or hard plastic sheath such as NYM 1.5 mm2 or 2.: 1