CIMCO katalog nářadí (EN) 2019-20

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Vydal: Nářadí CIMCO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
g. Please request the desired cable and rope guides.4 2302 20 27.4 2303 30 27. the exchange aged underground cables, pulling new ropes into cranes.g. Rope and cable connection grips For the fast creation non-positive connection between two cables ropes. Special design cable draw grips 9DULRXVVSHFLDOFDEOHGUDZJULSVIRUVSHFLÌFDSSOLFDWLRQVVXFKDVWKRVHOLVWHGEHORZFDQEHVXSSOLHGDWVKRUWQRWLFH - Larger dimensions - Cable draw grips with lateral loop - Separated cable draw grips - Multiple draw grips, e. for the simultaneous pulling three single-conductor power cables into common protective pipe - Kevlar-reinforced plastic draw grips (non-conducting, anti-magnetic) 0XOWLVWDJHKLJKO\ËH[LEOHFDEOHGUDZJULSVIRUÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHV - Draw grips for overhead line construction - Cable draw grips made from stainless steel stranded wires Please request the desired cable draw grips.2 2194 Bucket Litre 1. laying mm breaking load tensile force 8 7.1 2195 Bucket Litres 5. Shaft cover lifter Made from galvanised steel, weight 0. They are used where existing cables or ropes are replaced new ones, e. 400 1004 .4 2197 Silicone spray An ideal lubricant, protective agent, maintenance agent and separating agent, makes the winding cables easier, protects electric contacts against moisture, protects rubber, plastic and metal parts. Only handle when de-energised state.2 2196 Bucket Litres 10.5 2301 10 9.117 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 C S Design Article no. Cable practical max.4 2304 Cable and rope guidance products $FRPSUHKHQVLYHVHWRIOD\LQJWRROVIRUFDEOHRUURSHJXLGDQFHLQGLWFKHVDQGVKDIWV HJGHËHFWLRQDQGFRUQHU pulleys, cable protection and shaft guidance curves, cable introduction bushes) can supplied short notice. Simply apply the Kati® Blitz and Kabelmax® guide heads and insert. 3XPSDEOHVLOLFRQHIUHHVNLQFRPSDWLEOHQRQËDPPDEOH Tube 200 0.6 kg 320 155 2300 Special Kati® Grip handle IRUWKHTXLFNDQGVHFXUHSXOOLQJRIDOOSXOOLQJZLUHVPHDVXULQJEHWZHHQDQGPPLQ¹ ËDWVWHHOKHOLFDOZLUH SODVWLFDQGÌEUHJODVVZLUHV 1 2190 6SHFLDOÌEUHJODVVDGKHVLYH for Kati® Blitz and Kabelmax® 3 2192 for Kabeljet® and Pipe Eel® , viscous 20 2193 GLIT® cable lubricant ,PSURYHGIRUPXODZLWKVLJQLÌFDQWO\EHWWHUVOLGLQJSURSHUWLHV*OLW® eliminates 90% the friction that is JHQHUDWHGZKHQLQVHUWLQJSRZHUFDEOHVWHOHSKRQHFDEOHVFRD[LDOFDEOHVDQGÌEUHRSWLFFDEOHV)RULQVHUWLQJDOO types pulling rods. Hand-woven from galvanised steel wire strands, average effective braided length 1200 mm