ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 455 z 660

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Protection against reverse active power "RP"; 13. With the optional PR120/V module, the UV, OV, voltage protections always work the basis the true rms value the voltages. 13.6. - Energy: active, reactive, apparent.9. enabled, any anomalies are indicated special alarm message andthe "alarm" LED coming on; the PR120/D-M module installed, this activates the coil opening command (YO), thus opening the CB.B.6.1 has been exceeded with warning message and the "warning" LED lighting (remember that the IEC 60947-2 standard annex "F" establishes that the protection unit must function regularly with peakfactor 2. 44/158 . the latter case, under self-powering for 3-phase currents >300A ca.: Beyond 15.8In] and greater than 4In [where I4<0. - Power: active, reactive, apparent. - The protection records the historical data the maximum and minimum phase-to-phase voltage, total maximum and mean active power and total maximum and mean reactive power. - Instantaneous voltage values over given tim interval (data logger). □ atchdog for protection Trip.8 atchdog The PR122/P unit provides some watchdog functions able guarantee the proper management relay malfunctions.2 ains frequency The PR122/P unit constantly measures the frequency the mains voltages connected to, only when PR120/V module installed. - Power factor. N. The tolerance for the ammeter measuring chain (current sensor plus relay) described paragraph 13.2. addition, the current the phase under the greatest load given numerical form. The signal can combined with relay the PR120/K module with those the PR021/K unit. No. 13. Protection against overtemperature ''OT". Model L2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc. 13.2.7 easurem ent nctions The current measuring (ammeter) function available all versions the SACE PR122/P unit. If the frequency goes out the permitted range ±10% relation the rated frequency selected (50 Hz), the "warning" LED comes on and the warning message displayed (see par.3). □ atchdog for proper connection the Trip Coil (TC). - Frequency and peak factor. Protection against earth fault with adjustable delay ''G"; 6.3 arm onic distortion The PR122/P unit signals that peak factor 2. - Instantaneous current values over given tim interval (data logger). Protection against residual voltage "RV"; 12. when the PR120/V odule powered, the ammeter and backlighting are always active. 13.2. 13.5xIn current the Ne, the protection considered being set 100%.8In], greater than 6In [where 0. Overfrequency "OF". □ atchdog for proper connection the current sensors (CS).6. enabled, any anomalies are indicated special alarm messagean the "alarm" LED coming on, and the circuit-breaker opens after 1s.6) and the "warning" LED lighting up. When the optional PR120/V connected, the following additional measurement functions are provided: - Voltage: phase-phase, phase-neutral, residual voltage. The signal can combined with relay the PR120/K module with those the PR021/K unit.1, 2xIn). 13.2.2. These functions are as follows: □ atchdog for presence Auxiliary power supply with "plug" icon displayed. When the circuit-breaker opens, the page with the "Trip" data displayed (when Test" pressed, automatically the presence Vaux). The signal can combined with relay the PR120/K module with those the PR021/K unit.6.2.6. If the waveform has deformation beyond the declared limit (6.1 Calculating the RMS All the protection functions their respective processing the basis the real rms value the currents and voltages (the protection disabled for current values greater than 8In [where I4> 0. - Maintenance: number operations, percentage contact wear, opening data storage. - Maintenance: number operations, percentage contact wear, opening data storage (latest trips and events). 13. Protection against overvoltage "OV"; 11.Protection against instantaneous short-circuit'T'; 4.2. □ Rating PLUG validity.3@2In), the tolerance for the calculation the true rms value will increase. The PR122/P unit allows current signal processing the neutral pole with different relationships relative the value the phases. enabled, the event the sensors being disconnected Rating Plug error, opening command is given the being enabled. Protection against closing short-circuit "MCR"; 5. With the optional PR120/V module, the PR122/P unit also has the following protection functions: 9. Underfrequency "UF"; 14. 13. The display shows histograms with the currents the three phases and the neutral the main page. A timing indication (message "alarm" LED) provided the unit's display, which activated during protection alarm.2. the case where the presence current determined with the circuit-breaker the "OPEN" state, state error signaled warning message being displayed (see par. Protection against instantaneous short-circuit high currents "Iinst"; 7. 2 Page No. Protection against undervoltage "UV"; 10.12. disabled when the alarm condition ceases when the protection has been tripped.5In< I4<0.4 ircuit-breaker state If auxiliary supply used, powered from the optional PR120/V, the PR122/P unit records the state the circuit-breaker means of specific wiring the circuit-breaker.5In]). - The protection records the historical data the maximum current read. Protection against phase unbalance ''U"; 8. The ammeter functions both self-supply mode and with auxiliary power supply. - Currents: three phases (L1, L2, L3), neutral (N), earth fault. Where applicable, the earth fault current displayed separate page