SCHRACK: Lighting solutions 2014

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Top products for homes, hotels, shops and offices.

Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 654 z 726

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Poznámky redaktora
654654 675663 671, 675–676672 DECORATIVE LIGHT, LIGHT BARS LED-STRIPS LIM® – Light Motion Decorative light 658–659 659 666–669 Light bars Single Colour Light bar RGB Feste Strips mit IP Single Colour Flexible Strips Single colour 662–663661 Profiles for LED strips 664 Rigid strips Single colour Feste Strips RGB 665 656–657656–657655 676 Flexible Strips mit IP Single Colour Flexible Strips RGB 674 Flexible Strips mit IP RGB Due production-related reasons the light colour LEDs can vary amongst each other. Detailed technical data sheets the topic LED strips can obtained request. The value for light colour and lumen, far they are mentioned, are typical average values. . our best deliver every shipment with the same colour selection. However follow-up orders cannot guarantee the same light colour