Harting Sbírka katalogů říjen 2013

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Vydal: HARTING s.r.o. Autor: HARTING

Strana 125 z 808

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Poznámky redaktora
4. 4. this is not required, the metal version establishes the electrical connection between the screening and housing (PE).109: Quintax-Z contact (zinc alloy), for cables 9. 4. This system makes possible separate the screen from the housing potential.5 mm for four crimp contacts Fig.Insert 119 Han-Quintax® Fig. 4.5 mm for four crimp contacts Fig.106: Han-Quintax9in Han' housing The Han-Quintax® module was developed especially for the transmission of highly sensitive signals rugged industrial environments.108: Quintax-K contact (copper alloy), for cables 9.110: Quintax module, metal version . Fig. 4.107: Quintax module Four contacts screening can inserted into each Quintax contact Two Quintax contacts can be inserted into each Han-Quintax® module Fig